Last week when Bents fell off the kitchen bar stool {on to the hardwood}…it left a pretty nice sized bruise. This picture is FOUR days after the incident.
He must be a pretty tough kid because I keep asking him if it hurts and he says “no”. He looks in the mirror about 5 times a day and says, “my boo-boo gone yet mommy?”
Bless his heart. The first thing he told the ER doctor when I took him to get it checked out was…”I want this off my head.” LOL!
Unfortunately, I think this bruise is gonna stick around longer than we’d like. It’s a doozy.
I have so many basement projects to update you on that is kind of out of control.
It went from completely unfinished………to walls, paint, AND a working toilet so fast that it’s ridiculous. This picture above is the future built-in office space. Right now it’s housing the kids kitchen. In the near future I am hoping you will see a nice little built in seat and desk area.
We even have the shower tile up! It’s actually done now…this is just an “in-progress” picture.
Our guests will now have their own bedroom, bathroom, and living room when they come to visit. Maybe this will inspire me to invite my out of town friends over more often. I have been reluctant to do so since we had no where for them to sleep. But now, oh now buddy…we can have slumber parties galore.
Who’s coming to visit?
As if the basement project wasn’t enough to be working on I decided that I wanted to re-do our master bathroom at the same time. Chaos is my middle name.
Remember how I said I like all things roses? Well, the lovely folks at Royal Design Studio just so happen to let me review this fantastic Rockin’ Rose Damask stencil. And I just might have used it in the master bathroom makeover.
Stay tuned for the reveal!
We are enjoying our last day at the New Media Expo in Las Vegas. I am dreading the flight back home…let’s just say Bents proved himself to be the most difficult child yet once again on the flight out here. I am nervous we may have a repeat. I absolutely can not handle a repeat.
What’s been going on with y’all lately? Hopefully you didn’t miss the Debt Movement announcement. Just in case you did (and you also missed that there will be over $15,000 worth of debt scholarships) then click here to get signed up (for free).
Did you get a chance to check out “The Dog Days (of Winter) Are Over” link party series that starts next Monday? Who’s ready to get organized?
I have a feeling 2013 is going to be the best year yet!
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POOR GUY! He is definitely tough – do you know how distraught I’d be over something like that on my head?! You’d have thought the world was ending. Glad to hear it’s not bothering him at all!
And that stencil……….SO you. Can’t wait to see the bedroom makeover!!! Ekkkk.
Ps – it’s official. Meredith and I are both registered for Blissdom. I’m excited and terrified all at the same time?! I guess I should come up with a true reason as to why I’m going? Ha!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Love the stencil! Can’t wait for all the after pics, yay!
Oh my, that head injury makes my tailbone hurt! I’m glad he was ok, that’s scary. On a lighter note. I’m LOVING the basement, and the tile work is amazeballs.
Wow – you are a busy girl! That bump would have freaked me out for sure! Glad he is doing well.
BTW – spent all night trying to figure out how to add a custom header to the blog – and I did it!! Thank you so much for the help this weekend – I think I’ve finally migrated over to WP! I’m a House of Rose success story!!!
That bump is terrifying! At least it’s a good story for him!
Super exciting news about your adoption update! I’m adopted and my parents always say that it just felt like everything worked out as it was supposed to. Sounds like everything is working out as it is meant to be too 🙂 He or she will be blessed little kiddo!
That bump, oh I’d be so pitiful if it happened to me. Glad he’s a trooper.
Niiice!! Can’t wait to see the final product!! 🙂 xo
I was wondering what color paint you used in the room with the boys “kitchen” in it? Is it blue or gray? Good luck with all your home make overs! I can’t wait to see what you decide and use in your basement.
My husband and I have been in our home since may and I FINALLY put up a couple pictures today for the first time! Your probably thinking wow! Unfortunately I am very picky and I don’t want to put something up to simply put it up, there has to be some sort of rhyme! Man it is difficult to decide. : )