SEO is something that many bloggers don’t take into consideration before hitting publish on their post.
My wife has been one of those that used to miss out on easy search engine traffic <ahem> by not putting forth a little extra effort.
Now she finally gets it –yeah!– and by writing posts like this, our hope is that you’ll get it, too.
This past January we both had the pleasure of meeting Court Tuttle, his beautiful wife, and awesome blogger sister at New Media Expo in Las Vegas. Court has been building websites (hundreds of niche sites) full-time for years so he gets the online space; including SEO. Did I mention he loves to Crossfit, too? 🙂
Court is a super cool and humble dude and he definitely knows his stuff. That was even more evident on his guest post that was featured on SEO Moz.
Court runs the blog and took time to answer some SEO questions for all our readers. In this interview, we address:
- How do you start with SEO (even if you don’t know what SEO is)?
- Is WordPress better than Blogger for SEO?
- How important are getting backlinks to your site that are optimized for anchor text?
- How important is Google authorship in regards to SEO?
- How effective is using YouTube to help with search engine traffic to your blog?
- What are most common SEO mistakes bloggers are making on their blog right now and how can they fix them?
This interview is a kickoff to another great interview we did with another SEO expert, so stay tuned! Here’s us talking SEO with Court Tuttle:
This was awesome! Thanks! I have a whole list of stuff to do now…
Jeff, Mandy and Court,
Excellent interview! It really clarified SEO even more. I’m beginning to realize that SEO and keyword awareness is similar to how your brain changes when you become a mom. For example: I would never say to my 4 children, “Who wants the last donut?” But guess who HAS said that? Look forward to more posts like this.
Court seems like a really nice guy! I arrived at his website not so long ago and have been a follower ever since. Keep up the good stuff guys!
Wow! Just took a page full of notes. Thanks for the info guys!
Awesome interview! You are all rock stars! xoxo
I love Court! Anytime he is talking I want to listen.
Great interview! I got some really helpful tips. I’ve been wondering if you guys would consider writing a post on how you manage to work from home with 3 small children? I have two little ones myself and have an extremely hard time trying to get anything done when I’m at home. Share your secrets, please!
@Jessica We just filmed a video THIS morning talking about how we manage our time as bloggers! It should be up in the next couple weeks!
I just listened to Court’s podcast and that’s how I found you. I just started this new venture about a month ago and I’m really looking forward to watching it grow! Great info and I look forward to learning more from both you both of you – Mandy and Jeff!! Thanks for a great blog!