I remember thinking when I first had Parker how 2nd grade seemed AGES away. Like millions of ages away.
I also recall feeling like… only older people had 2nd graders. Not young people, like me.
You know what happened next? I woke up with a 2nd grader.
It happened that fast.
And that whole “older people” thing is just a misconception because clearly people, I am not old. ;/
Apparently when you are age 23 you perceive 33 as “older” status. But now that I’m 33… psssst…I think that’s such a joke.
Really…it’s all you 43 year olds that are “older”. HAHA!
I’ll blink and be 43. And then I’ll have a 17 year old.
I bet I’ll still feel just as young at 43 and I’ll be writing a post about how parents of 17 year olds are still young and hip.
Because clearly they are.
I’ll probably still be giving you the “RAWR” face when I’m 10 years older too. Just a fair warning.
It’s funny how all of my parents friends would tell me, “Time will fly by so enjoy them when they are young!”
There couldn’t possibly be any more truth to that statement.
Just another sign of why we should always take the advice of more experienced “older” people. They’ve been there. They know.
Happy Birthday Parker, and SO TRUE! My big guy is hitting first grade this year and it makes me feel like a grandma, LOL!
Ugh, this is SO true isn’t it? My son is the youngest in his class and he just turned 8 and is going into 3rd grade!! How DOES that happen? I think it is even harder when your youngest child starts going into the bigger grades, my little girl will be in Kindergarten next year! Wah! Let the tears flow!
First of all, how stinking cute are all those kids!!! Precious! Second of all, you made me laugh because I am 42. Ahem. And my son is about to turn 2. Sometimes I feel young, like hey look at me, I’m so young with a toddler. And other times I feel ancient, like hey don’t notice I’m 42 with a toddler! Ha!