Oh, hey friends! I’m posting on a Saturday night…this is almost unheard of from me.
We’ve not had a whole lot of plans this weekend {for once} and it’s kind of been A-Mazing! I often forget how good it feels to sit on the couch.
Well, not that blissful because this is the scene going on in front of me right now.
It doesn’t matter what hour of the day it is…if these two are awake and in the same room? They are wrestling.
I briefly got them to snuggle me last night, but I assure you that this sweet little moment only lasted mere seconds. Then it was back to tackling each other.
My cousin and her family came to visit us on Thursday and she has 3 kids too. Between our two families it was SIX kiddos. Whoa Nelly. Haha!
Her twin boys and my boys….had the BEST time together. I heard “I wuv my cousins!” on numerous occasions.
I have an entire post on their visit coming soon…we enjoyed every moment with them!
P Man had a 8:00 am football game this morning. The second 8:00 am football game in 3 weeks. Who makes this schedule????
8:00 am for Kindergarten football is a bit much, don’t-cha-think?
Couldn’t we at least wait until 9:00 am?
Not to mention that it was 45 degrees outside and I forgot to bring the boys hats. I felt terrible! Luckily Gigi and Poppy parked close enough where the boys could watch from the car {and the warmth}.
And just so you all know….THIS picture below is the exact reason that my car looks like the pantry exploded in it.
Every time I turn around one of the boys has dumped something. This time it was SJ and a bag of dried strawberries. I tried the whole “No eating in the mini” rule…but trust me…it was brutal! So I caved and now I just have to get my car detailed constantly.
The last time I sent it off to get cleaned my husband was looking at the mess in the backseat and said, “Oh my gosh babe, how much are you paying this guy to clean it?”
I responded….“I’m not sure.”
And he said, “Well, whatever it is….it’s not enough!!”
LOL! Yea, he’s serious.
My littlest man moved to the “big boy” room at daycare this week. He is now considered a “toddler”. Hold me.
On day 2 he came home with the lovely “big boy” bite. Errrr.
Apparently there are biters in his class. Hoping that gets figured our REAL quick.
I had the chance to run to Target today. Alone. Sans kids.
Holy awesomeness.
Except my checkout total was not holy awesomeness. I went for a gift card and I left with MUCH more. The Target dark hole sucked me in.
I was iffy about this top…but I do adore that it’s chevron.
I bought it, but we’ll see if I actually keep it or not.
Tonight I cooked homemade chicken & dumplings for the first time ever! It was a huge success and actually way less involved than I thought it would be. I used a rotisserie chicken so I guess I can’t really say it was “homemade”. But the noodles were from scratch.
I also spent a fair amount of my time this afternoon trying to figure out the white background look for video {in our make-shift studio in the basement}. My hubby has been trying to figure it out for a few months…and I’d just like to say…I figured it out in an hour.
I should stop bragging so much in this post?
I feel so humble tonight. 🙂
Hopefully tomorrow will be a whole lot more hanging around the house. Some of us in our boot socks. Others of us in our undies.
Hope you are all having a low-key weekend!
Ah. My brother was a biter! My mom used to be horrified haha
I love the top!
I have to agree with the above commenter….love the top! It’s a keeper 🙂 Have a great weekend!
That top is seriously cute! It looks great on you! Shopping alone seriously gets me in to trouble. LOL I hope you have a great Sunday. 🙂
The Target “dark hole” is deadly! It get’s me everytime. Like, once a week “everytime”. I gave into that little Target Red Card that is linked to your bank account but you get 5% off everything and free shipping online. So in my mind, when I go and spend $300, I’m like… “YAY! I saved $15!” hahahaha… The hubby doesn’t see it that way:( And I love the navy and pink Chevron. I say “KEEP IT!”
One of my brothers used to be a biter. He even bit his preschool teacher several times!
I can’t leave Target without spending like $100 unless my husband is with me to reign me in. They have the cutest stuff!
I LOVE that last picture of the boys! LOL! Too cute! And, just my two cents, you have to keep that shirt Mand! It’s adorable and it’s SO you!
Enjoy your Sunday! Xoxoxoxo!
Top is cute, definitely keep.
Girl, you didn’t just blog on a Saturday, you like for real BLOGGED…..lots to comment on, so here goes my random list!
1.) I almost bought that shirt too (love the pattern and colors), but wasn’t sure about the length. I didn’t try it on though! I might have to next time! And for the love, isn’t a trip to Target all by your happy self divine? Life changes fast. Never thought I’d say those words. Ever.
2.) SJ isn’t a toddler. I can’t accept that. Nope….sure can’t. And the little tyrant who thinks it’s cool to bite better CUT IT OUT!! Do not bite sweet, precious, BABY SJ! Gezzzz!
3.) I can completely relate on the “it looks like our pantry exploded in my backseat”. I know for certain that my in-laws judge me each time they visit and ride around back there w/ J. I try to clean it the best I can (and sometimes have it cleaned)……but it doesn’t matter. Complete destruction occurs moments after it’s all shiny and clean.
4.) Love the photos of your wild boys! I know they sure do love you….. in between all of the wrestling and such!! : )
I think the top looks nice, but not sure about the sleeves. Hard to tell from your picture. 🙂
Sounds like such a fun weekend. I love the last picture hehe.
Oh my goodness. Are those TINY CALVIN KLEINS?! How adorable?!
I think you should share your chicken and dumpling recipe…I have always wanted to make it but it seems way too complex to make.
No joke, had that exact same top, loved it, but took it back as a way to make amends for spending way too much money on clothes last month! Haha! You’re SO right though, Target by yourself… Heavenly! Even more so now that we have a Starbucks in there! 🙂
What size are you and what size of the shirt did you get. I just located on the Target website and like to order one? Thanks in advance.
I ordered a small!