Hold me.
No, really hold me.
Because I feel like fainting every time I entertain the idea that I am now the mother of a 6 year old.
Do y’all agree that something changes when your baby turns six? I felt like sending him off to Kindergarten was hard, but he was still my baby. Kindergarten is still “baby land”.
But first grade?
I just remember first grade to 8th grade happening in the blink of an eye for me. And I can’t handle thinking that I’ll blink and he’ll be in jr. high.
Just like I blinked and he went from 7 weeks to 6 years old.
It’s a reminder to always cherish the moments that you have together. I often complain about being tired or annoyed or run down. But just as soon as I start to become overwhelmed by motherhood…I think:
“This too, is a phase that shall pass. One day I will miss being run down and tired and I will be sorry I was wishing it away.”
Celebrate your child, not only on birthdays, but everyday.
Because honestly, God doesn’t grant us the extreme responsibility of parenting so that we can be irresponsible with it. He expects us to do it gracefully and out of love. Even when we are run down.
This weekend we celebrated P Man turning six with a pool party. I often forget that we don’t need to wait until a birthday to celebrate our children. That we should be celebrating them on a daily basis.
Showering them with kisses and hugs and “I love you’s”. And making them feel like everyday they are as special as they feel on their birthday.
We went “Blue Ombre'” for a party theme this year.
I have done just about every single boy party theme you can think of {including superheros dinosaurs, fishing, ninja turtles, robots…you get my point}. I have yet to see a blue ombre boys birthday party and so…we ran with it.
Details will be on the blog Friday…
Until then, go squeeze your child and tell them how special they are. Heck, go buy some cupcakes and celebrate just because.
In that Age 5 pic, he looks just like you in your profile pic. I know, its seems once they get out of preschool, the years just start flying by! My son is the baby in his class, just turned 7 in May and will be in 2nd grade. Just crazy!!
I bet you have done every boy theme imaginable! I love the blue ombre idea!! I can’t wait to see all of your pics!
I have loved seeing the blue ombre party photos on IG. Your boys are just darling and your posts just make me smile. I feel the same way about my 12 year old daughter – how could it go so fast? It is sad and happy at the same time. Have a blessed week! Susan
Such a great reminder and oh so true.
Can’t wait to see the final party as im sure it rocked and he loved it.
I couldn’t get through this with out tearing up and that lump in my throat just wouldn’t go away. I have 2 boys, 4 and 7 months old and my husband and I prayed for 4 boys all together. I say “don’t blink” often but often forget to live by it because I have NO clue how my oldest turned 4. So I know…kinda…what you are going through. If not fully now then definitely when my boy starts school. Thank you for this post. 🙂
I love this so much. It’s always nice to have a reminder to not take these moments for granted.
Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your boy.
Awwwwww, the photos of him from 7 weeks until now!!! Goodness, momma… he is a cutie and has grown so fast! He seemed so little when we first became friends and I started reading your blog — guess it was because, ummmm, he was THREE! Time flies! I’m so glad he had a fun day and was celebrated BIG!
Thanks for the reminder that it doesn’t have to be a special occasion to celebrate your babes. Thinking J and I might make a Target run this morning for a few new toys and a cake pop. Why not?? Happy week ahead, dear!
I love your words here:
“Because honestly, God doesn’t grant us the extreme responsibility of parenting so that we can be irresponsible with it. He expects us to do it gracefully and out of love. Even when we are run down.”
I have felt extremely rundown lately, and this is so important to keep in mind. So true, so true. Thanks for that this morning, Mandy. I needed it. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!
Wow– I really needed to read this today. After a sleepless night with my two-year-old, this post surely puts everything in perspective.
Thanks, Mandy!
Wow– this post could not have come at a better time. After a sleepless night with my two-year-old, this truly puts things in perspective.
Thanks, Mandy!
– elise
My oldest heads off to college in a few weeks, my middle son will be starting 5thgrade and my little girl will be in full-day kindergarten! I was crying the other day holding her, realizing she will no longer be my sidekick all day! She wanted to know why I was so sad, I said because you are getting so big so fast! She said I will always be your baby momma! Ugh! I don’t even know what I am going to do with myself in the fall!
Can’t wait for the birthday details Mandy!! We have a 6year old too… felt like he was just born and now he’s going into grade 1!!!! I posted a question on “how to start a blog” post…is it easier to email you? I know u r busy!!! 🙂 Have an awesome week!!
Happy birthday to Parker!
I am having a hard time with my baby being two on his next birthday. I can only imagine what Turing six feels like. Time goes so fast! Thanks for reminding me to “celebrate” him more. Kids are such a blessing!
What an amazing reminder…THANK YOU!
Kids definitely grow up way too fast!
I will have a 12 yr old and a 9 yr old this year. I need a pause button! lol
I am glad that Parker had a great birthday and I look forward to the party details post.
Just linked back to this post through my blog, hope you don’t mind! (I’m a new blogger and don’t understand all the blogger protocol quite yet.)
LOVE this! It’s SO SO true. I have always said that someday I hope that I can look back and hope that I haven’t wished away my kids childhoods. I know it’s hard, but I also know that I will miss it so much. Happy Birthday to your baby 😉
Such a great reminder! They definitely grow up too fast. I’m excited to see your pics from the party! I’m sure they’re beautiful!
~Abby =)