Did you know that more people watch Oprah than vote for the President of the United States? Not saying thats alarming (ahem) or anything. But, it does say that Oprah has a POWERFUL impact on our society.
I, like half of the world, have my dvr set to record the Oprah show daily. One of her most recent shows talked about the impact of texting and driving.
It caught my attention. I was alarmed by the number of people who are killed daily because someone was distracted by their cell phone.
I have always been an advocate of NO drinking and driving. In fact, I get pretty passionate about that subject. Why would texting and driving be any different?.
I must admit (sadly). I too, was guilty. Not only was I guilty. But I was guilty without even thinking twice about it. As if I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Let’s face it…for some of us working moms out there it’s the one and only time that we get a chance to use our phone in peace. Even for the stay-at-home mothers…isn’t it easiest to use your phone when your kids are strapped up in their car seats and can’t come hounding you for more chocolate?
I never realized the danger I was putting my children, myself, and others in…by texting and driving. Luckily, for me, it didn’t take an eye opening experience for me to “see the light”. All it took was a Saturday day afternoon of watching the Oprah show on my dvr…crying my eyes out listening to people tell their stories about how their children have died because of texting and driving.
So…I am asking you…are you ready to join me in taking the “No Phone Zone Pledge”? It’s a battle, but I am making a conscious effort to stay true to my word and to keep the roads safer! You should do the same! After all, I don’t want my kids being put in danger because of YOU!
By the way, (by the picture above) I’m not promoting letting your 4 month old drive either. That wouldn’t be any safer than texting and driving. But he did have a good time pretending he was 16.
That’s so great that you made that decision 🙂 I think that a lot of people don’t think that it’s that big of a deal (along with eating/putting on make-up/reading while driving!), but when you think of how much damage could be done over something as simple as talking on your phone or texting, then it doesn’t seem worth it. In our new country, people aren’t allowed to hold cell phones in their hands while driving, but they can use them on speaker phone. I think that’s a good idea!
And that picture is so cute!
thats a very important thing we have to consider while driving…
Bent looks soooo cute ..as usual 😀
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