We set out on a mission today after church to go on an “adventure”. That’s what P likes to call them. Adventures.
Basically it just means we had no plans and we needed to find plans. And boys seem to think it’s cool when you call it an “adventure” so…
…that’s what we call our impromptu-make-plans-as-you-go kind of days.
I knew today was going to be a good day when the child care leader at church told me that P Man prayed for a little girl today. Not just prayed Β to himself. He did hands-on prayer and prayed out loud for her.
I shed a tear, literally. I was so proud in that moment!
Could it be that an almost 6 year old little boy has less fear about hands on prayer than his mother? Wow, I’m in awe of his boldness. And if anything, I’m even more inspired to pray for others MORE than I do.
Funny how your kids end up teaching you lessons when you are the one trying to teach them.
<<back to our hike>>
You would think that by now I would be an experienced boy mom and would totally be accustomed to hiking, streams, dirt, and ticks. But there is just something about this outdoorsy thing that I’m still adjusting too.
I was a sassy child who didn’t even want to put my feet in the sand at the beach.
So yea, this is coming full circle for me. And I must say I am rather impressed with my ability to trek through puddles, climb rocks, and get my feet a little muddy.
<<Take that 4 year old self who swore that if I touched dirt I would turn in to a pumpkin>>
Just another thing I’m learning as a boy mom…how to like hiking. And I’d like to think…I’m mastering it so far.
Sometimes my favorite days are the ones when we make plans out of no plans. When we let the boys explore the beautiful area we are surrounded by.
I’m starting to think that I like these adventures more than they do.
Or maybe I just enjoy watching the joy on their faces when they are experiencing new things.
After our long hike and a quick stop at the minivan for a Reese’s snack break we headed to the park. You know you can rock a kids world when you tell them they get to play at the park.
It was the perfect ending to our fun filled adventure.
Do you love to take your kids on impromptu adventures? I’d love for your to share any new “adventure” ideas…we are always seeking fun!
Oh, and speaking of adventures…our next adult adventure is going to be this…
Wonder if they’d let me where a head camera…because it’s guaranteed that I will scream like a crazy person.
Have you ever done a zipline tour? Tell me it’s not that scary. π
hi! I liked you awhile back on FB, i think as a giveaway entry. When you posted that pic today of the zipline tour I had to check our more of your blog because THAT is the town I grew up in. And the trail you did today, my kids favorite one (mine too). My husband and I both went to SIU. We don’t live there anymore but come back lots because our families do. I’m off to check off the rest of your blog π Such a small small world.
That is so cool!! What year did you graduate SIU? We both went to SIU too! And I have lived here my whole life.
I graduated SIU in 98. We both went to CCHS too so until we got married and moved away for a job we lived there our whole lives. But we didn’t really discover ferne Clyffe until my parents moved out to lake of Egypt several years ago. My inlaws still live in Cdale
Love these pictures! Looks like so much fun.
Trust me, ziplining is not scary. This coming from a girl that is pretty clumsy and not sporty. You’ll do great and have a great time!
I started reading this and was intrigued because you don’t really seem like the hiking type. So…when I got to your disclaimer about being a sassy kid who didn’t like to put her feet in the sand at the beach, I kind of laughed. Kind of maybe a lot. But serious props, girl, for getting out there! Your boys are blessed to have you for a momma. And, yes! Zipline tour! Did one last winter in Sayulita, Mexico. Super fun.
It’s funny…learning to get my hands dirty and play in the mud. Boys are kinda way cool! LOL! Love your outdoor sofa!!!!!
I tell my kids that we’re going on adventures all the time! However, my adventures are usually taking them to places like Hobby Lobby and Target. If they ever read your blog and realized that your kids’ adventures included hiking through streams and beautiful tree lined paths, they would flip out. I cannot let them know how cool your adventures are and how lame our adventures are…
I love how you have embraced the “boy mom” thing even though you’re a girly girl at heart :).
Oh girl….come one! I have seen the list of countries you have been too! π Your kiddos will be world travelers before the age of 8! I wish I had more boldness to go to different countries with the kids, but for now I am stuck just taking them to local trails and parks. LOL! One day, one day…
Hi Mandy!
This morning I clicked on a link in my place of work’s (Univ. of South Carolina) daily newsletter about a continuing ed Photoshop class, and lo and behold, a familiar face was staring back at me. Your hubby!
That is so funny! He pops up everywhere! LOL! Thanks for sharing!
Ziplining is so much fun! We did it on our honeymoon in Hawaii and I was PETRIFIED! So glad I did it!
Ziplining is awesome! We were able to experience it for the first time in the rainforest of Belize and it was amazing. Your first run will be a bit nerve wracking, but after that you’ll be running to the next one!
I have a HUGE fear of heights, but I REALLY want to try ziplining. Its on my bucket list, but I keep ignoring it. I know I would LOVE it if I did it, but I am… a whimp! Hopefully I’ll brave up and do it this summer! π I’d love to hear about it if you do it!
We went to Hilton Head SC over Memorial Day weekend. When I saw this post it made me think about the billboards we saw all over the place down there about zip lining. I think they just started it this year. We didn’t do it, but it looks fun. Someday I hope to be the cool mom that you are. Your children show their love for you in so many ways and are so blessed to have you and Jeff in their lives.
When I was 21 I did a zip line tour! It was incredible and I loved it! They are not that scary!
Woa! Waterfall? Where was that? Melissa and I tend to hit the same route over, and over and over when we venture into Giant City. We need to get a map. π
Ferne Clyff! And it’s awesome…much better than Giant City. I was like you, bored with GC!
I live on the Navajo reservation, and there are 2 major “attractions” and can be turned into any adventure π the first one is Canyon De Chelly located in Chinle, Az (my hometown). There are a couple of trials to hike up and down, very beautiful and challenging. The other is Monument Valley, near Kayenta, Az (where we live now). It is very beautiful! π
Ok so I’m a big chicken about adventurous stuff. I am more of a why-take-the-risk type of person, while my husband is the I-jumped-out-of-airplanes-for-a-living kind of person. I decided to suck it up and buy us a ziplining tour for his birthday two years ago, and it was SO MUCH FUN! I was super scared at first but it turned out to be really fun and not super scary. You’ll have a blast!!
aw, the hiking adventure looked really fun:-)
I was quite an outdoorsy girl when growing up, it was just me and my 6 year older brother, so I tried to be really boyish so that my brother would play with me:-P I bet he had a lot of fun daring me to do crazy things.. Once I cut up a tent in our garden with a pair of scissors.. Definitely my most Bad Girl moment ever!