So many exciting things have been going on around here lately that I feel like I have blog post material for days {which doesn’t happen all the time}. Now if I could just find the time to get it all typed out.
We finally put up our tree {which I am sure you saw in our Holiday Mantel Decor pictures or my Bokeh Christmas Tree Lights post}, but I had to post the pictures of the boys hard at work. In their undies {as usual}.
It’s been really fun to watch the boys become such amazing friends.
Sure they fight. And wrestle. And try to kill each other.
But they also love each other so much and it melts my heart. My husband and I are both “ONLY” children and we never had the experience of bonding with a sibling. I adore watching these boys love on each other and explore new things together.
I made a pretty big decision regarding the boys and their daycare. They will no longer be attending their current daycare and we will be trying out new things.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to have the worry and weight lifted off of my shoulders! Wow, I never knew it was burdening me so much.
I truly think they will be so much happier with the change!
We have booked our trip to Las Vegas and the ENTIRE Rose clan will be heading to BlogWorld 2013! WHAT!!
I can’t even believe I am going to attempt flying with an 18 month old, 3 year old AND 5 year old. The hubby and I are gonna need major preparation prior to this flight.
Whoever has to sit next to this one….
…will need a stiff cocktail and some Xanax.
When we found out BlogWorld was in Las Vegas we just couldn’t pass up the chance to go. J’s mom lives 10 minutes from the Vegas strip and she plans to watch the boys while we attend the conference. Perfecto!
We have never done the plane thing with all 3 so it should be a good time. *Cough-cough.
Just a warning…if you are on our Christmas card list…your card may or may not involve at least one crying child of mine. Sorry. That’s how we roll around here…at least one is always not cooperating. Hey, the fact that the rest of us were, in fact, cooperating is enough to celebrate for me.
I so badly need to finish Christmas shopping. I don’t typically procrastinate like this, but man…I just haven’t had time to go shopping. P should be easy to buy for. He started his list months ago. Literally every time a toy commercial came on he would say, “Mom, can you tell Santa to get me that for Christmas.”
He will probably be disappointed when he learns that Santa can’t bring him the 800 things on his list.
I could probably just buy Bents mounds of Play-Doh and some scissors and paper for Christmas and he’d be happy. The boy loves to cut stuff and build things with Play-Doh. Good thing he’s not a girl or he would have for sure chopped his hair off by now.
And SJ. SJ has everything in the world since he’s the third baby.
To be honest, I’m going to have to do a toy overhaul before we add new stuff to this house. Luckily the basement is almost finished and that will give us MORE space for toys.
What about you, have you started Christmas shopping yet? Or are you one of those people who has it done by Thanksgiving {I hate you}?
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I know this wasn’t really the point of your blog…but I gotta say, I’m happy to see my son isn’t the only boy who hates clothes! I’ve been seeing more and more boys lately that just don’t wear clothes and it is a relief because I have a hard time keeping him dressed unless we are out 🙂
I don’t allow myself to Christmas shop before Thanksgiving- one holiday at a time! We are trying out the 4 gift idea this year, something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read, plus Santa. So far it’s working out wonderfully!
I’m officially done today. Hubby’s last present arrived in the mail and tomorrow I will finish wrapping. Go me!