Last week, THIS stool and I…we had a collision. A pretty bad collision actually.
I think we have one of the kiddos to thank for our nice “foot meet stool – stool meet foot” collision.
The stool somehow landed on top of my foot. But, not just a casual “Oh I’m falling over and about to land on your foot” kind of fall.
Nope not that kind.
More like “A kid just slammed me down on to your foot” kind of fall.
And it hurt.
Pretty bad.
In fact, I might have yelled a profanity in front of all the kids out of pure PAIN.
You see this pretty little corner here?
Yea, that corner landed directly on top of my left foot underneath my big toe.
I realize that posting pictures of your feet on your blog is not attractive…nor something your readers are DYING to read about, but I felt compelled to tell you about my new friend the stool.
It’s been a week and I am still walking with a limp. I don’t think it’s fractured, but it’s definitely bruised. I am really confused on why it’s bruised on the bottom of my foot when the stool fell on top of my foot?
Anway, I de-friended this stool faster than you can de-friend someone on facebook. I’m holding a grudge. Maybe when I can walk normal again I will be back on friend terms with the stool. But, not a second sooner.
Oh UGH!! YIKES! I KNOW that hurt!! Gah! You may wanna get it checked. My daughter broke a bone in her foot and we didn’t know until a week later when she still couldn’t walk so good… :\
And the bruising on the bottom is because that’s where the blood pooled (gravity). Common. But it it’s still swollen… get it checked. 😉
Adding another vote for maybe getting it checked out. A couple summers ago I was walking through my living room, and *bam* walked right into a chair (not my finest moment, but I was watching where I was going, I promise!). Broke my poor little pinky toe. Of course, with toes there’s not much to do about it, but it was nice to go get an x-ray and confirm nothing else was injured.
I too recommend getting it looked at. Only because it is still so bruised on bottom of foot, especially if it hurts to touch bottom of foot. This is coming from your former athletic trainer who works for the orthopedic surgeon now.
Ouch! My first reaction would be to kick the stool, but then I would have had TWO hurtin’ feet. Everyone else has already said to have your tootsie looked at…I agree! You know, just to be safe.
Ouch!!!! Poor thing — those boys are rough w/ you! 😉
I’ve found that here lately I’m running into everything….and in all likelyhood it’s because things are never where they should be!
Okay, so can I do a “what I’m loving Wednesday” post for next week? Or is that too lame? I’ll make it fun – pinky promise!