Β The MIL was in town for a visit for the last 3 weeks!
It was nice to have a break from “mommyhood”, but I’m not gonna lie…I kind of miss my kids when she is here. She lives in Las Vegas and only usually visits once or twice a year so she tends to hog the boys when she comes. To be expected.
And like I can blame her. The boys are easy to hog.
Luckily, she knows that she can’t let them break ALL the rules while she’s here. It’s taken her quite awhile to catch on to this theory (because like any good grandma she wants to spoil them rotten). But, she has finally realized that 3 weeks of spoiling and rule breaking equals an additional 4 weeks after she leaves of retraining and breaking bad habits.
I am so glad she is now on the same page with me! Thank you “gwma weelwee” for following mommy’s rules! π
We tried for a mini photo shoot on her last day. Of course, this is when P was giving me all his kisses. Passionate kisses. Such a sweet boy he is.
I love that he actually took his picture with me. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!
Well, I should say…it never happens willingly.
And it definitely NEVER happens where he is actually smiling in the pictures (so of course I have to post every single one with him smiling).
I almost captured both of the boys smiling in the same picture. But only almost.
As you can see…when Bents was smiling…P was not.
And vice versa. O-well. Still cute in my opinion.
This captures P’s personality so well…giving daddy the eyes.
I have the happiest baby on the planet. Literally. He is so happy.
It’s only sometimes that he looks possessed. Only sometimes.
Both grandmas’s and their baby boy!
Thanks for the visit Grandma Lilly! I enjoyed the fried rice for breakfast the day after you left.
awwww, what great pics! It is so hard to get them both to smile in one pic, I totally understand ;-), one has the biggest smile in one pic and the other in the next! π yay for Grandma for following your rules now, we know exactly how it is, and how long it takes to fix it once they’re gone, ha, my Mom tries her best too! π
.-= NCF´s last blog ..Family Room Makeover – Just the Beginning! =-.
You have such a beautiful family! Great pics!
Hi Mandy! I’ve been following your blog for a little while now and I think your boys are PRECIOUS! I just had to ask you though, has anyone ever told your husband he looks like the Rock. Oh, I think his real name is Dwayne Johnson or something. I was looking at your post this morning and was like “WOW…It’s the Rock!!!!!!!!” Sorry for the randomness. It is 6 am after all! I really enjoy your blog!!!
Oh, mandy…the boys are growing up, that little man is sure a sweet little chunk :)…i love it! Glad the boys have such good grammies, they’re lucky little guys. Hope you’re doing well.
.-= Katy´s last blog ..A Cherry eater and Prego Mama at 30 Weeks =-.
Mandy, this is my first visit to your blog (I am new to the whole blogging thing), your family is adorable! I am also an SIU alumni and met my husband there! Small world!
What awesome photos. π
.-= Sherrie´s last blog ..I survived the family reunion-50th anniversary party =-.