I am BEYOND excited about the finished shelf project. My dad can work magic people! No lie. Would you believe me if I told you that I love the shelf unit just as much as I love my new end table and chair? Yes, the chair that I dedicated an ENTIRE post to titled: “Hi Chair , I Love You”. Obsessed much. Ahem. And I actually think I like the shelving unit MORE than the chair. No. I do! GASP!
J came home at lunch to help my dad get it to the house and carry it inside. Even in three different pieces…It’s THAT heavy.
It fit in the hole…BEAUTIFULLY! Literally…wall to wall with no space to spare! My dad could not have measured more perfectly. Although that doesn’t surprise me in the least bit. I wouldn’t expect anything different from his work.
We ended up going WHITE (obviously)! HUGE THANKS to everyone who commented and gave me your opinion! It truly helped!
To change it up a little (and because I like to be different like that), my dad had the idea of doing the trim in a different color. As soon as he mentioned the idea…I LOVED it!
We ended up staining the trim to match the baskets and it turned out so great!
At least I think so. 🙂
The amount of storage in this thing…is RIDICULOUS! I can literally fit almost EVERY toy in the playroom in it! And we have A LOT of toys.
P Man seemed to LOVE it immediately!! He kept trying to play his cars in the bottom cubby’s before my dad was even done installing it.
Although then he quickly decided he was going to pretend he was flying.
Off the ottoman.
“Like a airpwane mommy.”
Nice. And safe too I might add.
GIANT GIANT GIANT THANKS to my Pops for making my PBK dream come to reality (and even better than PBK in my opinion)!! As J said, “WOW, that looks like it came straight out of a magazine!” I must agree!!
Once again, my dad ROCKS!
With talent like his…I MUST not let it go to waste. Little does he know, I have now decided to come up with MANY more projects for him!! Laundry room custom shelving is next! Oh he’s gonna love me! haha!
I am also excited to say that I have recently been approached by csnstores.com to do product reviews for them. I’m pretty excited about it because I absolultely love them! With over 200 products…I can’t wait to get started reviewing products for the house and sharing them with you!!
Looks great! Your dad did such a good job!
WOW looks great! I need to put my dad to work! First we need a playroom!
Oh my word it looks amazing!! And I love the idea of staining the trim to match the baskets! Perfection! It’s such a beautiful piece and something to cherish forever 🙂
WOW…..that is GORGEOUS!!! Your Dad did a great job and love the contrast in the trim. CAUTION…People are going to be contacting you to contract him out for their projects…HA! (You should send a pic of this to PBK…their & PB prices are ridiculously crazy. Perhaps they would get a clue!)
Your P-Man is way too cute…love all his expressions!! What a cute family you have!
My goodness, it looks amazing! Even better because your dad made it so it will always be a treasure!
P.S. Can I rent your dad? 🙂
Oh my gosh…your Dad and my Dad could start a business!!! The shelves look AWESOME!! He did such a great job. My dad just finished building shelves for our new playroom too and once I get the last finishing touches done, I will be posting my pics. By the way, for the past 4 years, I have been giving my dad pictures of furniture and things out of the Pottery Barn Catalog and he makes them for me for a FRACTION of the price. It pays to have very handy daddies right? NICE WORK Mr. Wilson!!! I think you will have a LOT of work ahead of you :p)
Fun Project. Glad you like! Dad.
It looks amazing! Beautiful craftsmanship!! xoxo
The shelving unit looks awesome! I am so jealous! I want a playroom! Can’t wait to see it in person!
I am so jealous of your playroom masterpiece! Your dad is awesome!
It looks amazing… I’m so jealous that your dad is so handy!!
Wow. Looks amazing. I love to knock up PB. I like to say I do PB on a PBR budget. Can’t wait to see what else he comes up with for you. The new place is coming together fabulously.
Wow. Looks amazing. I love to knock off PB. I like to say I do PB on a PBR budget. Can’t wait to see what else he comes up with for you. The new place is coming together fabulously.
Wow! can he come do my room? It looks really nice. The shelf space is perfect!