….her name is Caitlyn.
That’s right, he was ALL OUT trying to makeout with her in the girls locker room. I can’t say she wasn’t feeling it too though. She tried a few of her own smooches when he wasn’t looking.
He really has come full circle at swim lessons. Remember, HERE, when I wrote about how much he hated it? Or even, here, when he STILL hated it?
Ummmm…then he met Caitlyn…and the rest is history. I am pretty sure he was thinking, “man, if I want to impress this chick, I better straighten up my act!” I am not exactly sure want went through his head, but all I know is I am glad he decided to change his ways.
He LOVES swimming now! He trys to swim by Caitlyn most of the time, but he gets a little aggressive and starts splashing the heck out of her. I guess that’s how baby’s flirt. Poor Caitlyn’s dad is not having any of P’s charm…luckily dad’s aren’t allowed in the girls locker room or he may have wanted to drop kick my child.
Isn’t he cute in his lil trunks? I love this kid! He’s gonna be a heartbreaker!
Aww, how cute! P’s first little girlfriend!
Oh he’s so adorable. 🙂 No wonder she loves him.
Gwen’s last blog post..Tuesday Tidbits
Oh my! What a stud! This is so adorable! How could you not love him?? 🙂
Awww so sweet!! I love how he is trying to give her kisses! So stinking cute!
Awww…Addie is getting so JEALOUS over here!! Haha!! By the way…LOVE P’s trunks. I wonder who got him those? Auntie Jen perhaps? 🙂
Jen’s last blog post..Want a Few Belly Laughs?
He is SO flipping cute!!!!! That is adorable him trying to get her!!!!
aw…how cute is that! tell him not to get to serious …him and kennedy will meet some day!!…lol!!
glad he likes swimming now! makes things much easier!
abbi’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to a VERY special person!
That is very sweet! I’m glad he’s tolerating the waves these days, a girl will do that for sure…right!.!.
Katy’s last blog post..Are you kidding me? …final rose (ha)
So frickin adorable. I mean seriously…you are the cutest.family.ever.
Mrs. Ruby’s last blog post..Weiner Wednesday
Oh my gosh…I’m dying. P is sooooo cute….what a lil pimp! (cue Jay-Z’s “Big Pimpin'”). He for sure will be a lady killer……and lil Caitlyn looks like a catch! 😉
You’re grooming him to be the next Bachelor…it’s totally obvious.
Too funny! (My sister sent me your blog – I’m Caitlyn’s aunt!) How cute are these two!?! I love your blog!
Brenda’s last blog post..Happy 3rd Birthday Christopher!!
Go P!!! next he’s gonna want to start sportin’ Speedos.
those pics were adorable!
Hollie’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
How precious! What a stud!
Caroline’s last blog post..100 Posts and Many More to Come