photo by Jason York Photography
And I’m working on a post to show you what this…..
…..did to our house.
This is an actual picture of the storm that hit our town on Friday afternoon. J’s BF, Jason York, is a photographer and he captured this image during the storm.
Let’s just say….it was the craziest thing I have EVER experienced and I hope we NEVER have to go through another storm like that one.
Oh my…hope you’re doing okay!
omg!! that’s so cool looking!! well not really but i’m glad nothing major happened! cool pic though!
What an awesome picture!
Wow! So glad you guys are all safe and didn’t have more damage than what you’ve had to contend with. Honestly, I didn’t realize that type of weather was possible up there. Being in Texas, we see those sorts of things every spring and fall when the hot and cold air masses are colliding. Knock on wood that one has never hit (and won’t in the future) my house or my neighborhood! Glad you’re able to blog… I’ve missed ya! And wishing you all the best as you guys are in repair mode!
Shorty’s last blog post..Happy Birthday to Hubby!
Glad you all are ok. My crazy mother decided during a break in the storm to go to the bank and deposit all the checks my parents’ company had got in the mail the past couple of days. She thought, well if the house blows aways, the checks are deposited…. she got there and the power went out… my mother… she’s a loon.
Hopefully life can get back to normal soon. My family was very lucky no trees down in their yards, but I have some friends that weren’t so lucky.
Mrs. Jetplane’s last blog post..Oh Sookie… you’re so fine, you’re so fine… you blow my mind…
glad you’re ok…..how scary!!!!
oh my gosh mandy!! i’m glad you’re ok, i hope everything else is alright!!
NCF’s last blog post..1st Destination Down – Quick Update
So y’all aren’t joking about the pea soup colored sky during a tornado… Being an Arizonian, I’ve never understood how that would look. This pic pretty much sums it up! Glad you all are ok!
Miss E’s last blog post..A Whole Lotta Love
When I saw that picture, I was hoping you grabbed it somewhere online….but it’s an ACTUAL picture! That looks scary!! Natural disasters are one of my biggest fears…and I would have been scared out of my pants if I looked out the window and saw that.
So glad you and your family are okay! Hope there wasn’t too much damage!
Alice’s last blog post..Boredom at Work = New Talent.
Oh my goodness!!! HOW SCARY!!!! I’ve been in multiple tornadoes, and they might be the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced.
I’m so happy you’re ok though!
Mrs. Ruby’s last blog post..Weiner Wednesday
Hope you guys are safe and sound! What a wicked picture!
Insanity. Do you guys have power back yet?
We’re dealing with tornado’s in our state as we speack. My husband was out storm spotting earlier. Not fun stuff.
Katy’s last blog post..Busy B’s