Welcome to…
This week I am happy to say…I have started to workout again.
And it feels SOOOO GOOD! Who knew that a little sweat and hard work could really boost your confidence?!?!
Links to things mentioned:
The workout program that I am doing – Crossfit. You can also read about when I use to do Crossfit here. Nike Free Run ShoesI got this forward from my mom this week (and if I’m being honest I don’t usually read forwarded emails). But for some reason I read this one and I really loved the message and thought it was so important for us all to remember what we are worth:
She can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens. She smiles when she feels like screaming, and she sings when she feels like crying. She cries when she’s happy and laughs when she’s afraid. Her love is unconditional.
Don’t forget that you are important! God loves you!
I hope you all have big smiles this week!
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Stop and Smell the Roses 9
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okay….you have almost convinced me that I need to start working out again!
I think it was something about 3 times a week for 3 weeks & your booty is already feeling tighter?! LOL! Lord knows my booty could use a little of that!! Maybe I should try crossfit?! You are right though about taking time for yourself! It’s not only good for you, but it’s also good for your kiddos!! Be back to link up soon!
Yeah for CrossFit!!!
You look so pretty! YAY for working out!! I swear I usually do it M-F and skip the weekends and by MOnday I cannot wait to get back to the routine, like, I miss it! It’s so good for my mood too b/c I definitely feel grumpy the days I don’t do anything! J & I are doing the 300 ab challenge right now and HOLY HELL today I feel like I’m 90-years-old b/c I can barely move!!! Guess that means it’s working, right!?
Love the shoes and so glad you’re feeling the boost from working out!! There’s some pin I saw going around Pinterest that said something to the effect of “You only regret the runs you don’t do” or something like that, which is so true. Sometimes it’s hard to make the initial jump back into exercising, but it always pays off! Did I mention I love the shoes?!
You look awesome Mandy and I have to say the same thing- I have been working out as often as I can and I love it!!!
great vlog lovie!!
YAY Crossfit! You are totally right about how much better you feel after working out. I’m thankful that Mark is as much of a health/workout nut as I am because it definitely keeps me motivated, too. PLUS, it’s fun to workout together!
Also, I have had those shoes in my Zappos cart for TWO DAYS now. TWINS!! (as per usual) I just can’t decide between the bright punch or the bright citrus. NEON ROCKS!
That is too funny…we both ended up vlogging about working out again & getting fit! Haha, you look so much better in yours though – maybe I shouldn’t have shot mine when I was all nasty/sweat!!
Either way, good for us!!!
I LOVE LOVE your shoes! Love them.
Yay for starting Crossfit back up! I’m definitely going to look into it for when I get back home. I’m nearly down to my goal weight now, but I really need to tone my muscles! Totally trying to say no to the wobble. Ha!
LOVE your shoes! They’re so you and super cute. xoxo
You are such a cutie
I just miss you evert time I watch your videos. And honestly, I know you took “time out” from working out when you had the kids, but you have always been fit in my mind. But you are right…it’s a mental thing and working out is fabulous mommy time
Thats why I run girlfriend!!

Speaking of which, I just had two running buddies suggest the Nike Free Run for my next shoe so now you make 3. Guess I know what shoe I am checking out next! I am a total Nike girl
P.S. Sorry for not linking up today. I am working VERY VERY hard on my blog for next week because I finally get to share that exciting news I was talking about
I love the pink shoes! Michael and I sat and watched the Crossfit competition or challenge or whatever it is on TV one night (while eating pizza…). It was crazy! I can’t believe you do that!