Since my cousins wedding was in Peoria we were able to swing by and see our friends, Josh and Liz’s, new house! Such a cute place they have! I would have got more pictures, but I was too busy snapping pics of Josh teaching P how to use his musical instruments.
I really think P has some musical talent! He can play the drums on anything.
Josh and Liz are expecting in November and I think they realized ONE thing while P was over….THEY DEFINITELY NEED TO BABY PROOF THEIR HOUSE BEFORE THE BABY COMES! haha!
P was IN to everything!
It was back to the hotel for some R&R and some quality time with “B’s” (my grandma). P was obsessed with B’s. All he said the whole trip was “B’s B’s B’s”.
He was sooo tired by the end of the day that he asked me to get in his pack-n-play with him and watch cartoons. How could I say no?
I didn’t fit all that well….as you can see…but P insisted I sit in there with him and I didn’t want to let him down. I think he would have let me sleep in there with him if we would have both fit.
I have quite a few pictures to share from the actual day of the wedding, but I am working on resizing them and uploading them now. Of course, it’s taking me forever because I am COMPLETELY distracted by The Bachelorette!
I can’t wait to show you some of the video I got of P dancing it up on the dance floor. Not only that, but my dad got some GREAT video of J breaking it down. H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. is all I can say about that. I hope I can find the time to upload the videos because it is PURE entertainment (especially if you are one of J’s clients that reads my blog). Who wouldn’t love to watch their financial advisor busting a move? E.X.A.C.T.L.Y.
More to come on that topic….
Oh and I have a great story to share about the bracelet I am wearing in the picture with P in the pack-n-play. I’ll save that for later.
So glad you had such a nice weekend!
Precious and Darling as usual!!
Preppy 101’s last blog post..Monday Miscellany
ha ha SO cute!
I love it that you went into the play pen with P! And, you fit! That’s too cute!
Alice’s last blog post..Catching Up…