Just when our little P Man decided to start to get better; mommy, daddy, and Bents ALL got sick. It has been a long 2 weeks for our family. Bents is actually still sick! I thought he was better on Saturday, but sure enough, Sunday he puked EVERYWHERE.
I think my washer and dryer might quite working on me with all of the laundry I have done in the last few weeks. I am so ready for us all to be HEALTHY! Hopefully this sickness will be TOTALLY gone by Christmas!
I thought you would all appreciate a few pictures I got last night. I asked J if he could occupy P while I did some Christmas present stuff. I came out of the spare bedroom to find this…
Those are my scarves.
And apparently P convinced daddy to “dress up” in mommy’s scarves.
Can you see how happy daddy looks? He must LOVE this game.
Ha! I think it’s pretty funny. Especially since I am the one who usually has to play cars or trains. I love that he chose “dress up” for daddy’s game.
Too cute and what a trooper daddy is… ;o)
Hey Mandy, I haven’t stopped by in a while and was just checking in…….noticed you are pregnant with a third baby BOY. Wonderful news, congrats to all of you. Our sweet little fourth babe and our sweet/naughty third babe are keeping me on my toes at all times and rarely have time to get my blog fix. I really want to get back into the swing of things, goodness and at least post some pictures of our Sweet Lofton Grace!!!!!!! Congrats again friend.