There’s been a lot of “twwipp” taking the past few weeks.
Not on my end. Or P’s end. But on daddy’s end.
He went to Yellowstone…was home for a week…and left again for San Diego for a conference.
Here is P giving his daddy a “tiss” before he leaves on his “twwipp”!
The good news…
While daddy has been gone…P claims I am his new b.f.!
“Mommy my b.f.!”
Other good news…
I get to join J on this trip. I fly out to San Diego today! His conference is over and we are going to spend some time in San Diego and L.A.!
The bad news…
P STILL doesn’t get to go on a “twwipp”. He is staying behind with Gigi and Papa.
I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I AM GOING TO SURVIVE 5 DAYS WITHOUT HIM! I am going to miss having mommy and P time! See…I even let him fall asleep in mommy’s bed (which I never do). I loved having him as a cuddle buddy!
I have a feeling after mommy goes on a “twwipp”…Gigi will be his new “b.f.”. 🙁
I know it’s hard, but enjoy your “twwipp” especially with another one on the way, who knows when the next “sans kids” trip will happen! Enjoy!
.-= jessica´s last blog ..A little Hump Day chuckle… =-.
aw…have a great twwipp!! that’s sooo cute!
hope all is well! i’ve been out of blogsphere for a while!
have fun and be safe!
your lookin so cute by the way!!!
Awww, have a fun time with your hubby! How nice for you two to have “adult” time…esp with the new arrival coming soon!
PS – the pic of P with CG is oh too cute 🙂
.-= Miss E´s last blog ..So Excited! =-.