{Warning: This blog has been hacked……by the husband. April Fools!}
So this Flip Camera thing is addictive. If you missed my Daddy Day care video, you can see it here. That one was a lot of fun. But this was one was even more fun or as I like to say, “More funner” (only in the Midwest are you allowed to get away with that).
Why is this one more fun? Because I’ll probably get in trouble for it 🙂 Hey, what are evil husbands for? <insert sinister laugh here>
The quick back story
In bed last night, me and the wifey were joking around and I made a crack about how she’s been snoring lately. She cracked back with
“Haha. Good one, but April Fool’s is not until tomorrow”.
It’s not April Fool’s baba. You snore. Really. Like every night. Love ya.
The subtle threat
I don’t know if she didn’t believe me or she thought I was really trying to pull an April Fools on her – which I’m horrible at, by the way – I told her that when she falls asleep I’m going to get the Flip Cam and record her.
She laughed.
So did I.
Sawing logs
Not 20 minutes later it began. She was snoring. Being true to my word. I did it. It’s bad to lie, you know?
Here’s what I got……
In her defense, it’s not like she’s sounds like a stopped up Sasquatch in need of a nasal decongestant. It’s not super loud, but……she is snoring. The best part is that I got it on camera.
Even better? I posted it on her blog.
Love ya baba!
Oh my! haha. I do have to say, that is a good April Fool’s Day joke, hopefully you get him back for this! 🙂
OMG too cute! I’m so glad you didn’t delete it!
i seriously am still laughing about this and i read it this morning….i love your family hahaha.
J. Payback are &@$/!!!!
So he videotaped you snoring & hijacked your blog!?! How rude!! In your defense…I could barely hear anything in that video!! That was seriously the quietest snore ever!!
That does not even count for snoring. I could barely hear anything. And you are pregnant. Everyone knows you get all stuffed up when pregnant. I recommend two nights on the couch for your hubby! 😉
ok, so i can’t even see you on there, so for all we know, it could be him generating the noise himself. 🙂