If you do than you may already know this guy, heh?
This is DANE HANNA…otherwise known as my cousin Erika’s husband.
He is a professional steer wrestler. I know, right? Who wrestles steer’s for fun? Ahem…not me. Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo event in which a horse-mounted rider chases a steer, drops from the horse to the steer, then wrestles the steer to the ground by twisting its horns. Uh…yea. Totally crazy.
We are very proud because this past weekend, Dane won at the Houston Rodeo! I think I would die of anxiety if I were my cousin having to watch my husband jump off a horse, chase a steer, and wrestle it to the ground by it’s horns??? I mean, for real, that just screams DANGEROUS! It’s a good thing Dane knows what the heck he is doing and I guess there is a reason they call him a “professional”. Plus, I am sure it is kind of sexy in a way right?
Dane & Erika when they came to visit
You would think their wedding would have been a real honkey tonk, back door, country kind of wedding….but don’t be fooled….thieir wedding was at the nicest country club in Chicago. Amist all the elegance….that’s right….a mechanical bull! My oh-so-fabulous metrosexual, totally not country, husband…decided to give it a try. Let’s just say…he’s no Dane. But “A” for effort honey and I still think your sexy even if you can’t ride a bull.
Dane is going to be on a new reality tv show called RODEO DRIVE (and you all know how I feel about reality tv-obsessed)! You can check out the show by clicking here. The show is following Dane and 3 other guys while they travel the country going from rodeo to rodeo. I can’t wait until it aires! I mean, I’ve been obsessed with reality tv shows ever since The Real World began…but now that I actually know a reality tv star…it takes it to a whole new level!
That is awesome!! After you posted on my blog about him I went to check him out and he was in the Houston paper for winning!! That is so exciting! Hubs and I LOVE the rodeo and now we have someone to cheer for 🙂
That’s pretty exciting that you will know someone on the show!
I also feel sorry for his wife though…my goodness…I don’t think I could handle watching my hubby do that.
How cute is J on that bull! Ha!
Jenny’s last blog post..Shredding!
that is so awesome!!! congrats!!!!! I LOVE reality TV
I’m hysterical over the picture of J! So freakin’ funny!!! I love reading my BF’s posts. Great work as usual! Good Luck, Dane!
Nina’s last blog post..Target Tuesday: Delayed
Mandy This makes me laugh! I guess I forget that what he does for a living is actually kind of cool and yes sexy! Thanks for reminding me that my husband is cool. I just got home from houston. It was a great trip! I have tried to attach anoter link to the rodeo houston “meet the atletes page” if you click on steer wrestling and then on danes hanna you can watch the videos of him at the rodeo.
I posted a site above where you can watch videos of dane at rodeo houston. go to the link click on steer wrestling and then on the second page click on dane hanna (it shows a picture of him) and then you can watch the videos. I just got home from houston, it was a great trip! tonight there was 75, o00 people watching him….that is what makes me nervous! Thanks for remindng me that my husband is cool! Miss you.