When I wear this blazer I immediately feel sophisticated.
It’s been quite some time since I’ve felt sophisticated. Let me tell you what sophisticated is not, shall I? Sophisticated is not wearing black yoga pants with baby snot smeared on your thighs. It’s also not…walking out your door to head to the grocery store sans bra…because really…who’s checking out your ta-ta’s in the produce aisle anyway? And it’s clearly not meeting your friends for lunch in the clothes you slept in the night before.
Now…I can not confirm or deny if any of those instances have been my own, but I’m sure you can make an educated guess. Especially about the baby snot wearing yoga pants. Nothing a little wipe can’t cover up. Am I right? Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that when I put on this outfit? I finally felt like a grown up again and it was glorious.
A few things I would like to say: 1. this blazer is amaze-balls 2. I don’t wear it near as often as I should.
Oh and 3. I haven’t worn heels in about a gazillion years. I almost bit it in the rocks. I guess I need to get out more. I’m in my best friends wedding in September…I may need to practice my heel wearing ability before then.
I wore this blazer to my very first Blissdom blog conference last year and I got so many compliments on it. I’m not sure if people really loved it or if it was so bright that they were like “whoaaaa, that’s a fabulous blazer your wearing {ahem}.” I’m gonna go with that they loved it. Because that’s what I do…I make assumptions that make me feel better. You should try it.
If you don’t have grey jeans? Go buy some right now. I know I talked about how amazing the cobalt blue skinny jeans were {and I still stand by that}, but these grey ones….are pretty swanky too.
I’m thinking my next fashion post will involve my yoga pants. I’ll even clear the snot from my thighs for the photo shoot. Oh yea baby!
Blazer: Dillards Tank: Old Navy Grey Jeans: Gap Necklace: Pier I Heels: BCBG
Love the bright color of the blazer… I was just thinking the other day how I’d love to add 1 or 2 blazers to my wardrobe for work. I love the casual look of the blazer with the jeans, too! Def. going to pin! ๐
Mandy, super cute blazer!!
Also, I remember the cobalt blue jeans and I think I looked all over gap.com but couldn’t find them anywhere:( do you remember which style they are or do you happen to have a link? I saw their new “skimmers” but didn’t see them in that color and I know you said you wore them last year…..so maybe they don’t sell them anymore?? Please help!! Lol
It’s been awhile since I got them… I don’t think they have that exact style anymore??
Love that blazer and love this outfit! So cute!
You look absolutely amazing! I love the outfits you put together! I hope your birthday was amazing as you are! Have a good Wednesday!
That is a great outfit!! I would love to find that blazer -could you please tell me what brand it is?
You are SO cute! You crack me up. Can we go shopping together? ๐
meant to add, funny because it’s true! ๐ Yoga pants, wear the same clothes you slept in! haha. Things that maaaaay happen to me, once… or more! haha! ๐
You are such a fabulous dresser. I would love to have as much fashion sense as you do, but I don’t. I want a pair of colored jeans, but I really don’t think I can pull them off as well as you!
very cute outfit! great job.
here are mine if you want to take a look: http://ordinaryinspirations.blogspot.com/2013/02/what-i-wore-wednesday-week-3.html
You look fab in that bright blazer! You’re right: it is amaze-balls!
Super cute outfit! I had to laugh about your heels. I rarely wear heels anymore {too hard when chasing after 2 kids} but threw some on for a birthday dinner recently. I think I almost bit it at least 2-3 times that night!