Now that Bents is getting older, and by older I clearly mean crazier, P is starting to really have a hard time getting along with him.
There is constant fighting going on in our home.
You know, Bents tackles P.
P tattles.
P gets sent to time out.
Poor P.
It wasn’t his fault, but because he’s the older brother (and he’s provoking his little brother) he gets sent to time out.
I try to reason with him and explain that Bents is “too young” to understand “NO”. I try to explain that he is not allowed to provoke him to do mean things.
For example: They were both eating dinner the other night. P starts telling Bents to THROW his food. Bents happily, with the meanest little smirk on his face, starts chucking his food across the room.
Who gets in trouble?
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely tell Bents no (finger shaking and all). But, let’s be honest, Bents was only doing what his big brother told him to do.
It’s a vicious cycle.
And afterall, you can’t blame P. He never wanted a baby brother to begin with. Let alone TWO of them.
I think life may have been easier if I would have just given birth to the baby CG (otherwise knows as Curious George) of his dreams.
Remember this?
So I’m curious, how do you keep your kids from fighting? I feel like I am going to need to ask God to grant me A LOT of patience in this department.
Gena Kruger says
Are you familiar with Love and Logic? It is phenomenal! They have all kinds of helpful hints and some of it goes against our natural reaction. I read the pre-school age book and learned much for helping 8th graders!
Jessica says
OMG that video is hilarious! Geez, mom he clearly wanted a baby CG, not a baby brother!! Hahaha
sarah says
omg that is the cutest video EVER! 😉
I have twin girls that do nothing but fight! 🙁 I can offer no advice because we are almost 7 and now fight more now that ever.
I love your blog!!!
Jenny from Lucky in Love says
This is the funniest video ever! Just precious. He looks so young! Your boys are growing so fast!
Preppy 101 says
They’re fighting now, but they will be BEST friends someday. My two didn’t really fight so much as they are almost 5 years apart AND opposite sex. My son is the older and was very tolerant of his little sister. haha Your household has so much love in it that it will all be fine in the end 😉 . . . XOXO
Melissa says
This is hilarious! Made my morning!! My daughter is all over her brother but I know this can change very quickly!