I was looking back through old pictures of the P Man today. You know. To see how big he has gotten and remind myself that time flys way too fast.
It was funny what I found.
It seems it was just last March…
…that he was still letting me spike his hair with gel.
If you’ve noticed any recent pics…he hasn’t had his mohawk rocking.
I am sure you probably thought it was because I had a second baby and got too lazy/busy. Nope. You were wrong.
It’s because if I wanna spike his hair with gel…I have to chase him around the house and try and catch him (and he’s fast)…have his dad hold him down…and try and get it spiked before he throws a fit because he wants me to “wipe it out”.
What happened to the days when he was happy about his mohawk?
Or better yet, what happened to the days when I could get him to sit STILL for longer than 5 minutes to watch tv with me?
Oh how I miss the cuddle buddy stage.
And so long to the days when he would run off with an apple…hide behind the washer so he could eat it (without me stealing a bite).
That’s right. I can’t even get him to smell an apple these days let alone eat one.
Or any fruit for that matter. Do you know what I would give for him to want to hide and eat an apple? I’d almost think about giving my left arm. Because I’m pretty sure that he is going to turn in to a chicken nugget before long.
Or maybe a cupcake. Because he seems to really dig cupcakes too. And I love how as of late…he DEMANDS that I leave the bathroom when he’s going. Talk about all grown up. 🙁 He makes me wait in the hallway now.
There happens to be a pretty common theme when I went back to the March 2009 picture folder…can you guess what it was?
You give up.
Well…come to find out…last year at this time…my little P Man LIKED to wear pants! I know. GASP!
I rarely found a picture of him undressed from the waist down (besides potty pictures). Which is a far cry from the March 2010 picture folder…where I can’t find a single picture of him in pants. Oh how that habit will have to change before he starts liking girls.
However…there were TWO things that I noticed that have CLEARLY NOT CHANGED since last March.
He STILL loves to feed the dog all of his food.
All.The.Time. Especially when I’m not looking.
(Consider this the ONLY picture I found of him without pants on from 2009)
and TWO.
We do not do ANYTHING without CG in tow…STILL!I love you P Man. Changes and all.
Inever realized how much I missed that little boy or realized how much he grew up! I love all those stages he was in but especially the cuddling stages! He doesn’t do that as much now but some day again he will. Can’t wait for Bentley t start that though so not all is lost. Love my boys! Mama (Gigi) Wilson