We busted out the activity center for SJ this past week. It hasn’t been that long since I put it in the basement. In fact, I think I may have just taken it down there in June.
Bents was so excited when I walked upstairs with it. I tried to explain to him that it was for his brother now.
That didn’t quite go over so well.
He was convinced I was bringing it back for him.
He was determined to get in it!
And so happy once he finally accomplished his goal! Look at that grin!
I am worried to put SJ in it because I think we might have a jealousy issue.
OMG he is hilarious!
So funny! Poor SJ – he might have a hard time getting toys w/ Bents around! 🙂
On another note, I love your rug in this post…Do you remember what the brand is or where you bought it?