A lot has changed since our infamous swim lessons this past spring.
Remember here…when my child was the “pool escapee”? The only child in the class that could only last 20 minutes in the water before the 2 year old tantrum surfaced.
You do remember that right? AHEM.
Well…P “the super swimmer” Rose has officially emerged for the summer. No more pool escapee. No more pool tantrums. No more “No MOMMY No Swimmy”.
Now all he can say about the pool is “JUMP JUMP”! What a brave lil fella I have on my hands!
Of course “aunnie” had a hand in coaxing him in to being comfortable. It took him some time…but not long…and he was having a blast!!
It’s safe to say Aunnie was having some fun too!
See. I think the swim lessons paid off in the end.
Okay let’s see if I can comment from my Blackberry since I’m already in bed. 🙂 The 4th was loads of fun. P is mos def going to the next Michael Phelps and his Aunnie will be cheering him on all the way there!!! xoxo Aunnie
aw…i’m so glad he loves the pool now! cute pics!
.-= abbi´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday! =-.
So much fun! It looks like they’re both having a blast 🙂
.-= Caroline´s last blog ..So. Many. Things. Wrong. =-.
How cute!! Yay for Aunnie and P!!
.-= Preppy 101´s last blog ..MOB Checking In! =-.
Fun pool times! My little man LOVES jumping off of the side as well, it gets a bit scarey sometimes.
.-= Katy´s last blog ..Cute little sign: {Keep Quiet or Babysit} =-.
That is too cute! It’s so nice that you two are such great friends…and what a fun Aunt for P!
.-= Jenny from Lucky in Love´s last blog ..Which Shoe?? =-.