I’m tired.
Very tired.
So I apologize because Thursday Latelies are suppose to be uplifting. This week…not so much for me.
Please, if you love me or even like me at all…or HECK…even if you feel like you may hate me but still feel sorry for me then please comment with your best advice.
Thanks in advance.
Also, I absolutely adore the idea of Thursday Latelies, but Thursday’s are actually the hardest day for me to get a video up (kids, work, etc) and sometimes I am not the best at having the best products to share or uplifting things to talk about (I’m pointing at you Bents). 🙂
Next week I am going to begin hosting my own link up on Tuesday’s. I haven’t thought of a name yet. It will be a vlog link up! I will post more details soon, but I hope some of you may join me!
I will still do Thursday Latelies when I can. Until then…help me get some sleep…PLEASE!
Girl I wish I had some advice for you, but my little guy still sleeps in the bed with me because I gave up after going in his room a million times a night.
What about a half-door in his room? I’ve heard of people doing that. What about a sound machine to muffle the noise?
This is hard to do, but with both my girls I let them cry it out. The first 4 days are the hardest. With Sydne it took up to 2 hours of crying for her to fall asleep but I just wouldn’t give in. But both of my girls have always been put down awake and put them self to sleep. Good luck
Also you need to get those door knob covers where he can’t open the door and just shut it so he can’t get out maybe leaving a brighter night light on. Hope this helps?? Sorry sometimes this transition is just tough :/
I know this isn’t the best solution, but we put a TV and DVD player in our son’s room and put in a movie when he goes to bed. It’s usually about 5 minutes of movie watching and then he’s out for the night with no wake ups. I know this isn’t for everyone, but it works wonderfully for us. Hope you get some sleep soon!
Three things. Hancuffs, Jag and Ambien. Works every time.
Hi friend! We struggled with Jayden staying in his bed when he moved out of the crib, so we took the advice my parents gave us from their experience. We went through our normal bedtime routine and then when it was time for him to go to sleep we would say goodnight, give hugs and kisses and then walk out (knowing he would get up as soon as we walked out). Without saying anything we would pick him up, carry him back to his bed, and lay him back down. We would do this literally hundreds of times over and over and over until he finally wore himself out and went to sleep. This also meant doing it in the middle of the night if he woke up and didn’t want to stay in his bed. It took a few days of being consistent, and after the first couple of days each day got a little easier, and after about a week he got to the point where he would stay in bed and go to sleep without any problems. It takes some major mental prep because it is exhausting, but after we did it we were so thankful!
Do you still have his crib or is SJ in it? Maybe he just isn’t ready or does he not like the bed at all? I still put Liam to sleep (cuddle with him until he falls asleep) then move him to his bed. We actually have a toddler bed and he is such a mover he wakes up so he is in the twin bed (we had from Kaedin’s old bunk beds) with a railing on it. We have never closed the door on the boys (I just have never done it – not knocking it at all) but since we have a 2-story the boys rooms are upstairs. We have a child’s gate up but he stays in his bed and when he does wake up he cries out and waits for me. What is your typical bedtime routine? Where does he sleep at nap time or is this strictly a night time problem?
I hope it gets better.I know how hard it can be.
I have a 3 yr old son and when i first transitioned him to a toddler bed he never wanted to fall asleep on his own. I started off by sitting next to him and telling him we are not talking or playing, he needs to go to sleep. After he fell asleep i would sneak out, if he woke up i would go back in there until he fell asleep again. He eventually got use to falling asleep in that bed and didnt need me to stay in there with him at all.
I’m a new blog reader and I love your blog!
I may not be much help, but I’ve always been told that if they aren’t climbing out of their crib, then leave them in it. I have an almost three year old that is still in his crib because he sleeps well and he’s not climbing out. And my child is just as wild as little Bentley. I am terrified of switching to a big boy bed because I fear what you are going through. My suggestion is to get one of the child-proof door knob covers, put it on the inside of his door, and shut the door. You can use a monitor so you can hear him during the night (in case something is wrong…like really wrong). I know that sounds mean, but you will still be able to hear him…just not as loud. Or what about offering a reward for staying in his bed all night and not screaming??
My two year old has been in a big bed for a little over a month now and we have some of your same issues. First, We made it a “rule” that he was not allowed to get out of his bed without us in the room. I remind him of the rule every night while I rock him and make sure he knows what will happen if he does. the consequence is having to sleep in a baby bed ( a pack n play set up in his room just for that). He doesn’t want to sleep in a baby bed so this usually works. I’ve only had to put him in it twice. We have the middle of the night wake ups too though. I pray it’s just their age and they grow out of it! My 7 1/2 month old has slept 12 hours with no wake ups since she was 6 weeks old….Hank did that too until just recently. It’s hard!