Oh, the good ole’ yearly obligatory pumpkin patch visit. Something I look forward to every year yet always find myself wondering, why?
Not to sound like a bad parent or anything. I love the “idea” of the pumpkin patch. Going as a family to pick out your pumpkins. It sounds like the perfect family bonding time.
Except we usually leave with boys fighting over who’s pumpkin is who’s and….“Why is his pumpkin bigger than mine?” questions.
This year we arrived and I knew it was going to be a great time…
Wow, they were pretty excited right?
Great, now we were not only battling the “that’s MY pumpkin….NO IT’S MY pumpkin” dilemma, but we were also battling waking up two sleeping children from a very peaceful car nap. Crap.
SJ rarely gets out in public. I don’t say that to sound funny or mean, but to be honest. He’s been a little terror lately and so we choose to do things with him…at home. ๐
But what would the obligatory family pumpkin patch trip be without the ENTIRE fam? Worthless!
So I am pretty sure he was all like “I’m-in-public-this-looks-fun-and-I-am-most-likely-going-to-make-you-regret-this-mom”.
Such a sweet and innocent face. How could you ever think he would be bad in public?
To be honest, he shocked us all and behaved like an angel. He just might be earning his “flying in public” wings back. Except for restaurants. Not even a well-behaved trip to the pumpkin patch can fool me in to going in a restaurant with him. He needs to be at least two before we attempt that again.
The other two boys had the best time playing right here…
…patiently {or somewhat patiently} waiting their turn to go on the hay ride. Which was BY FAR the highlight of this years pumpkin patch trip.
In fact, they were so well mannered that I may just convince my husband to buy a tractor and a trailer.
Ok, not really. But it crossed my mind.ย ย
I told myself I wasn’t going to stress out if I couldn’t get them all in a picture together smiling. Glad I gave myself that pep talk prior to going otherwise I would have been highly disappointed in the 800th take of the please-just-smile-for-mommy-one-time-I’ll-even-give-you-chocolate plee.
It didn’t work. Nor did I think it would. I know where to set my expectations when it comes to family photo shoots.
And really, Bents and that “fake” smile is going to be the death of me. Just smile NORMAL. I don’t need you to stick out your bottom teeth as far as they will go. That is not a smile.
I guess I’ll have to wait until he’s five before I get the real smile back. At least P Man has it down.
And I’ll take the half-smirk over the extended-bottom-teeth look any day.
You know what’s funny about our trip to the pumpkin patch? We left without pumpkins. Yep, true story. The boys had already got pumpkins when they went on their field trips with school/daycare and so I convinced them that we didn’t need any more. It worked.
The his-pumpkin-is-bigger-than-mine dilemma was avoided altogether! A miracle!ย
Seriously, don’t we look happy here?
Hey Bents, life is not that bad dude. We’ll get you TWO pumpkins if you’ll just REAL smile for the camera.
We left without pumpkins too! Ha. The line were absolutely ridiculous and all I could think of was how much better it would be to pick up some pumpkins at Target than to stand in line with two little ones for an hour! ๐
Your three boys together are too dang cute, so so so handsome.
They are precious….glad it was a fun trip to the pumpkin patch.
Great pictures!!! So glad to know it’s just not my kids!!! lol My boys were the ones on the hayride actually throwing hay which got on another boys pants which made him cry!!! ๐ My boys are 11 and 7 1/2 and we are STILL leery of nice restaurants!!! Good thinking on the pumpkin dilemma! ๐ Our issue is who gets to pull the wagon so we thought of Nate gets to pull it around the area and Andy gets to pull it to the car. Solved. Happy Boys and Happy parents!
I love reading your blog! The way you write, I can just imagine you just talking and chatting about what’s happening in your life. It’s so fun to read! I’m a stay at home mom and when nap time comes, I immediately head here. Thanks so much for allowing us to follow you! Also, totally fell in love with your Steve Madden boots and just got a pair! I love them!
Awww, thank you so much Kelly! That means a lot to me! Aren’t those boots the best?? I seriously wear them with everything! Glad you like them too! ๐
I can totally relate to your “I’ll give you chocolate if you smile” bit. We bribe the boys with candy in return for their smiles which oddly disappear anytime we pull out a camera!
You make me laugh about not taking SJ to a restaurant until he is at least 2. We are the same way about Aiden. However he is two but he don’t like the whole wait for your food.
Adorable family photo..
This was too cute! Your babies are always so handsome!
The pictures in this post are fabulous! The one of all of you is super, super cute!
I just love keeping up with y’all. : ) Happy Friday!
We went to 2 pumpkin patches and got our pumpkin at the grocery store!
Good Grief! How many posts have I missed!!
Great pics from the pumpkin patch!! We didn’t even make it there this year! I feel like a complete failure!!
Looks like the boys had a great time & I cannot believe that SJ got his “flying in public” wings taken away in the first place! He always seems like such a good baby!
Oh girl, it’s been awhile since you’ve been around SJ then. He is Bents Jr. But possibly worse. ๐