Do not ask why I thought it would be cute to look as if I am holding an imaginary platter in both hands.
Moving on.
As you have seen, lately I have been doing a lot more posts on home decor and diy. I am, by no means, a professional decorator.
I like to tell people…I’m “adventurous” when it comes to decorating. I just try things…and sometimes they work out. Other times? Not so much. {Like the wreath diy I tried – I should really write about this experience.}
Huge thanks to my son for totally try to make fun of my welcome-to-my-home-I-look-like-I-am-holding-a-platter pose.
I was trying to get some pictures of the outside of our home to put up….UNTIL I realized that I have TWO VERY DEAD plants on my front walkway.
This is the moment that I stopped my husband from snapping anymore shots.
Do you see those dead plants? I may be decent at decorator, but I am definitely not the plant whisperer.
Give me a plant….and I can be sure to kill it.
I told myself I was going to take more pictures once I got some living plants established in those pots. That was over 3 months ago and I still haven’t managed to pull it off. One day one day.
ANYWAY, the point of this post is to let you all know {in case you didn’t already see it} that I have added a “Home Tour” page to the blog. I will be updating and adding to it as I finish more rooms in our home, but for now it has all of the projects that I {and my dad} have completed {with my husband’s funding}. 🙂
If you like to decorate or have a home you are updating I would love for you to introduce yourself! I am looking for new ideas all the time!
LOL! Love the photo of you telling your husband to stop taking pics. Its been such a dry and hot summer!