I don’t have an organized post, but a few random things about today:
1. I’ve been working on post ideas for Dollars & Roses this morning! My goal was to have a list of 20 ideas that I could begin working on immediately. Thanks to my twitter/fb friends I now have a list of 34 ideas! I need to get busy writing!
2. I have learned how to edit videos in iMovie, but my husband prefers I become a Camtasia queen. So now…I’ve been watching YT videos on how to edit in Camtasia. I will be an editing genius before this life is over. Ha! Did I mention that my passion is NOT editing videos?
3. My husband made me do P90X with him last night. I have literally not worked out in a few months. Not even running. To say my a** hurts today is an understatement.
4. There was a guy running down my street with a rope attached to him dragging 2 old car tires? He had hiking sticks and his chihuahua with him. My guess is he was training for something…but it looked strange.
5. I saw a mom from my church today at Subway and she was eating with her FOUR children. All of her kids are probably under 5 and they were all behaving like perfect children. I realized that I want to be more like her. More willing to just up and take my kids out without having to say “oh it’s too much trouble”.
6. The whole point in going to Subway was to eat healthy. Guess my cheddar jalapeno cheetos about ruined that idea.
7. I took a break from working to go get my husband’s tweezers and pluck my eyebrows. There’s a window in our office and the lighting was just right! You know you do it too!
8. I finally ordered my business cards for BlissDom! If you are curious who I used: Leigh from Funky Faith Girl designed them for me to match my blog. I had them printed from Overnightprints.com. I ordered 250 cards for $26.95 + shipping! Score!
9.ย About 98% of the songs that I have downloaded from iTunes have been contemporary christian songs EXCEPT:
- Sexy and I Know It – Girl Bring the Boys Out
- Party Rock Anthem featuring D’aun
You can thank P Man on that one. His request.
10. I rarely get out of my yoga pants, but my husband and I actually got dressed up this past weekend for a charity event! We had a great time! And it was kinda fun to wear something besides my jammies!11. I don’t usually love finance videos. Just as boring as Camtasia tutorials. But, this ONE that my husband filmed…made me laugh a little. Plus, P Man makes his vlogging debut (only for chocolate though). Make sure you watch the outtakes at the end!
Gotta get back to these dumb Camtasia editing tutorials. Blah!
P90x and I have a love/hate relationship. I hate it, but I love the results! (I did the Plyometrics X THREE DAYS AGO, and I’m still hurting, lol!)
Excited to read you & your hub’s new blog! Good luck with it!
I just finished editing one of my videos in iMovie. Proud to say I’ve never needed a tutorial! I think your husband might be steering you wrong this time. Camtasia is usually used more for screen capture. Unless that’s what you’re doing…
I keep tweezers in the car and pluck at red lights…people look at me funny but it’s the best light!
I was thinking earlier today that the lighting in our kitchen was perfect for eyebrow tweezing today!! ๐ Loved this post!
Love your blog!
Props to you for doing p90X. My hubby has done it and it is HARD. CORE. I tried the yoga and OH>MY>
I also have a church friend who takes her 4 kids under 5 out of the house often. It amazes me. Maybe one day soon that will be us. (but not the 4 kids part :))
TWO things….. well, two things that totally contradict one another. Hmmm.
1.) You, my friend, are a skinny freakin’ mini! Seriously – you look great! Teach me your ways??
2.) Jalapeno Cheddar Cheetos????? WHAT! I must try these!
Go you for doing P90X! I tried it last year and then found out I needed my stomach surgery. Now I can’t find the videos since we moved. I LOVED the cardio video.
I think it’s funny that they are your husband’s tweezers and not yours!
Great picture of you two! That blue looks awesome on you!
I can’t even take Liam to story time at Barnes and Noble without him being bad much less both my boys. I couldn’t imagine it with 4 kids!
Great post! Made my day to read this! Have fun in Nashville!
Haha! Always looking for the perfect opportunity to tweeze! Do you have a pair of Tweezerman tweezers? You must invest in some if you don’t have any. ๐
Just saw Jeff’s name in this article and thought I’d share! ๐
Yeah, I’ll be watching it till the end. hehe.