I think that the guest/kids bath has definitely come a LONG way from when we started {I wish I could find the “before” pictures}. But, there are still so many things that I want to do in this bathroom.
I am in love with the modern subway tile backsplash that my dad did for us months back. It really added so much to the sink area. And it keeps the boys from getting water on the walls too!
I am still obsessing over the ruffle shower curtain.
Ruffles in a boy bathroom? Only if they’re blue, green, and beige.
I am constantly on the hunt for the perfect rugs for this space though. I am sure that doesn’t surprise you since I am slightly rug obsessed.
I usually buy my rugs online at RugsUSA or Home Decorators, but it’s much harder to match the shower curtain colors when you can only see a picture online.
Right now there are some mismatched rugs in there and it drives me bonkers!
I do love the sink and vanity area.
You probably won’t believe me, but I bought it off eBay.
Funny that I can’t choose a rug online because I am unsure on the colors, but I will buy my bathroom vanity off eBay with no problems. Ha!
I think I just realized that I am a little looney.
The other thing missing in this bathroom? Wall art.
If you have seen my dining room or my hallway gallery wall then you know that I LOVE me some wall art.
However, the ONLY thing I have hanging on these bathroom walls is a picture of Bents taking a pee off the entertainment center during his newborn photo shoot.
And don’t get me wrong…this is one of my all time FAVORITE candid pictures taken by our good friend Jason York, but I just need more things to hang in there so it doesn’t look so bare.
Since this bathroom doesn’t really have a theme I am at a loss for what to hang. Any suggestions?
I think I am going to have my dad build me a standing shelf unit to go adjacent to the vanity area. I really have been dying to paint something light teal and I think this bathroom might be the perfect place for a light teal shelf unit.
Dad, can you hear me? Come over STAT!
To see more of our home…
Source List:
Shower Curtain – Anthropologie
Linking up here:
Thrifty Decor Chick for Show Us Your Bathrooms
Love, love the bathroom. Where did you find the ruffled curtain? It looks great even in the boys bathroom. Love it
Love that shower curtain! Saw these printables the other day on Pinterest & didn’t think much about them until I read your post & you said you were looking for wall art! I think you might like these & they just might match too! 🙂
YOU ARE MY HERO!! LOVE those and PERFECT for what I was wanting!! Thank you!
i LOVE that vanity and those sinks, wowzers. i never see anything like that on ebay or craigslist, i don’t know how people find stuff that like. that candid photo is hilarious, and absolutely needs to remain in that bath!
once again you just kill me with style. 🙂
Question…isn’t the new born picture above the toilet of PARKER???? I could have sworn it was Parker not Bents!!!!!! BTW, we are coming this weekend!
Nope, it’s Bents! It was taken at our new house right when we moved in (right after Bents was born)! I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU GUYS ARE COMING THIS WEEKEND!!!! YAY!! P will die when I tell him he gets to see Claire!
So weird you posted about RugsUSA! I just ordered an area rug from there last night and was hesitant about the website, but now it’s good to know someone else orders from there. Makes me feel better! 🙂 Cute bathroom too by the way!
Thank you!! Yes, I love RugsUSA! And I saw the pic of your rug on facebook and it is SUPER cute!!
Love that shower curtain! India Rose is such a great company and I love that you can find her stuff at big places like Anthropologie now! I love her prom night shower curtain (http://www.indiarose.com/shop/detail_all.php?prod=promnightsc) so much but couldn’t afford it so… I ripped it off and made my own.
Love the shower curtain.
As a mum of a few boys, I am still giggling at that phto- what a great one to hang up!!
Awesome shower curtain!! I’ve been seeing those everywhere and I love them!!
Do you remember the retailer on ebay that you purchase the vanity and sinks? I am finding similar ones but nothing the same. Thanks in advance!
I love your house! I have the SAME curtain in my bathroom and found a perfect matching rug at gordmans!
I absolutely love the photo of your son! That has to be the cutest thing ever.
Love it! Can you tell me where you bought the backsplash?
Love your bathroom! I have copied many paint colors that you have used and love them in our first home!! I was wondering what color the bathroom is? I love it!
Love the back splash behind the mirrors as well as the great double modern sinks. I cant say the shower curtain speaks to me personally but I’m super happy you love it! That’s what decorating is all about, making it your haven!
what is the name of the vanity bowl